Readings & Web Resources for Faceted Classification

The term "facet" has been used in various places, while in most cases it is just a buzz word to replace what is indeed "aspect" or "category". The references below either define and explain the original concept of facet or provide guidelines for building 'real' faceted search/browse.

I was interested in faceted classification because it seems to be a natural and efficient way for organizing and browsing Web collections. However, to automatically generate facets and their isolates is extremely difficult since it involves concept extraction and concept grouping, both of which are difficult problems by themselves. And it is almost impossible to achieve mutually exclusive and jointly exhaustive 'true' facets without human judgment.

Nowadays, faceted search/browse widely exists, implicitly or explicitly, on a majority of retail websites due to the multi-aspects nature of the data. However, it is still rarely seen on any digital library sites. (I could be wrong since I haven't kept myself updated with this field for a while.)

  • Broughton, V. (2006). The Need for a Faceted Classification as the Basis of All Methods of Information Retrieval. Aslib Proceedings, 58(1/2), 49-72.
  • Kent, R. E. (1998). Organizing Conceptual Knowledge Online: Metadata Interoperability and Faceted Classification. Advances in Knowledge Organization, 6, 388-395.
  • Knabe, F., & Tunkelang, D. (2007). Enterprise Information Access and the User Experience. IT Professional, 9(1), 21-28.
  • Papa, S. (2006). The Faceted Navigation and Search Revolution. KM World, 15(4), 6-7.
  • Pollitt, A. S. (1997). Interactive Information Retrieval Based on Faceted Classification Using views. Paper presented at the Knowledge organization for information retrieval: proceedings of the 6th International Study Conference on Classification, London.
  • Pollitt, A. S., SMITH, M. P., & BRAEKEVELT, P. (1996). View-based Searching Systems: A New Paradigm for Information Retrieval Based on Faceted Classification and Indexing Using Mutually Constraining Knowledge-based Views. The proceedings of the joint workshop of the information retrieval and human computer interaction specialist groups of the British Computer Society GIST Technical Report G96-2.
  • Pollitt, A. S., TINKER, A., & BRAEKEVELT, P. (1998). Improving Access to Online Information Using Dynamic Faceted Classification. Paper presented at the Online Information 98: proceedings of 22nd International Online Information Meeting, London.

Some online readings

Relevant conferences

  • FIND’08: 2nd international workshop on Dynamic Taxonomies and Faceted Search

Faceted search/browsing prototypes/applications

  • CMS Faceted Product Directory (Good one!!! It allows you combine facets as well as set your own citation orders. It is confusing to understand how the results are generated though.)
  • epicurious (Not very easy to combine facets, but if you love cooking and you happen to come to this page, you may want to check it out. , Yeah, I know, what's the odds:p )

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